
The Bulletin is where you will find the upcoming workshops and group support dates.  All workshops require you to register.  You can either call the office at (204)  779-1679 or email:

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Welcome to Continuity Care’s Winter Newsletter! On the front cover Suzanne sends greetings to our readers for a Happy New Year. On page 2 we remember our dearly beloved, Justine Steinkopf.  Page 3 has links to letter templates you can use in the event you come across barriers when accessing services or requiring an essential … Continued

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Hello Friends of Continuity Care: We hope you are staying healthy and well during these challenging and uncertain times related to COVID-19. Please take a moment to read our Covid-19 Response Plan as the province moves into code red of the pandemic. If you have any questions or require any assistance or advocacy during these … Continued

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Welcome to Continuity Care’s Fall Newsletter! On the front cover Suzanne reflects on life with COVID-19 and adapting our lives around it. Page 2 is our first virtual AGM.  Page 3 lets you know what Abilities MB has been up to and Federal funding for people with disabilities.  Page 4 celebrates the Baby Boomer Cafe’s … Continued

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