Donor Opportunities

Opportunities to give

There are many ways you can support Continuity Care:

We are so grateful for the generosity of our volunteers and donors and we like to recognize all gifts in our annual report and on our website. However, if you would prefer to remain anonymous we will fully respect your wishes.

Planned giving

You can support Continuity Care by choosing deferred investments for donation at some time in the future. Known as planned giving, this is a process of designating major gifts from your accumulated assets rather than making a gift from your current income. Planned giving can happen during your lifetime, or at death, and is part of your overall financial or estate plan.

Planned giving is a wonderful way to achieve the satisfaction of making a direct gift to the future of Continuity Care, while also realizing some of your own financial objectives: some forms of planned giving can provide you with additional income streams and protect your assets from capital gains and other taxes.

A deferred investment or planned giving to Continuity Care can be any of the following:

  • a bequest, providing instruction in your will for the executor to distribute a specific amount to Continuity Care
  • a life insurance policy in the name of Continuity Care
  • a Charitable Remainder Trust, a donation placed in trust with the income going to the designated person and the remainder being paid to Continuity Care upon their death
  • a gift of residual interest from a major asset (e.g., a house or work of art)

As with all other donations to Continuity Care, your planned gift helps us continue to support families, enrich lives and plan for the future of their loved one.

Talk to your investment counsellor or financial planner about ways you can plan a deferred investment to Continuity Care that works best for you.

More on planned giving

“Planned giving” – Straight Answers for Regular Folk by Canada Helps:

Information on Planned Giving from the Winnipeg Foundation

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